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12 Easy Steps ✔ to the Python Data Analysis, Beginners Guide
Introduction (2:52)
What is Python? (1:38)
What can you do with Python? (1:20)
Why Python and this course? (3:01)
Steps 1-3 | Setting Up
Step 1: Installing Anaconda ✔ (3:23)
Step 2: Jupyter Notebook ✔ (8:30)
Step 3: Anaconda ✔ (4:27)
Steps 4-6 | Coding Section: Basics
Step 4: Starting to Code ✔ (12:51)
Step 5: Python Packages ✔ (4:26)
Step 6: Data Types ✔ (8:00)
Steps 7-8 | Coding Section: Data Structures
Step 7: Data Structures: Lists ✔ (27:10)
Step 8: Data Structures: Dictionaries & Tuples ✔ (12:39)
Steps 9-11 | Coding Section: Automation & Logic
Step 9: For Loops ✔ (13:21)
Step 10: Functions ✔ (14:53)
Step 11: If Statements ✔ (14:51)
Step 12 | Coding Section: Arrays
Step 12: Arrays in Python ✔ (8:30)
Conclusion (0:58)
Final Test
Why Python and this course?
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